Thursday, July 07, 2011


Hello all!

I'm currently looking for jobs, either part time or full time in my career of social service work. I'm finding it hard! All the good jobs in my field tend to be either too far away or asking for qualifications I don't have (like 5 or more years experience, I'm a new graduate!). I'm wondering what job sites my viewers use. I currently rely mostly on but have checked out many other sites to no avail. Please help me out? It's embarrassing that my little sister makes more money than me (I'm 20 she's 16).

Thanks for any advice in advance!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you do. I wish i had the opportunity ot work my ass off too. :( You got the job becuase of your age and relation to mom. It's very hard for a fresh out of college 20 year old to find a job close by these days...
